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Saturday 21 May 2011

Why Alpha Lipid colostrum?

Colostrum Energy All colostrum is not created equal - Our manufacturer is New Zealand's pioneer in Colostrum production and research.
All their New Zealand Colostrum is collected from 1-2 day milkings after the cow has calved and contains the Highest Immune Factors compared to any other brand! It is collected fresh and not frozen as some are - freezing destroys the bioactivity of Colostrum.
Colostrum EnergyAll their Colostrum contains Alpha Lipid, a patented delivery mechanism to enhance colostrum's bio-availability in the gut.
This is a must as most ordinary colostrum powder/pills/tablets are attacked by the gastric juices! Alpha Lipid coats the colostrum, thus protecting it so that all of the colostrum is absorbed by the body. This makes the Alpha Lipid product many more times effective than any other colostrum.why Alpha lipid Colostrum
Colostrum EnergyAlpha Lipid Colostrum dramatically increases Adult Stem Cell production from the bone marrow into the blood stream
Colostrum EnergyColostrum is not only used for human wellness but athletes also use it to assist in training. It helps to keep illness at bay during training but also in repairing tissue and muscle damage. Animals also benefit such as racing dogs like Greyhounds or show dogs and cats as well as the keeping the loved family pet healthy.

colostrum cows 
What our manufacturer's research revealed is that the ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE COLOSTRUM (patent pending) is a unique product, and here are the 3 main reasons in simple terms:
Colostrum EnergyThe Researchers at NII developed a Mammal Lipsome Delivery System (MLDS) from components within milk.
They extracted the components of the MLDS, enhanced them and put it back into the colostrum powder during manufacture.

Most other products use Soy-lethicin based delivery systems which are not as compatible as using a Mammal Lipsome Delivery System.

We are mammals remember?

What this means is that it enables the Alpha Lipid Lifeline Colostrum to disperse in the body up to 4 times faster than untreated colostrum.
As a result, the treated Alpha Lipid Colostrum gets to the target area in the bodyquicker with the least loss of efficacy.


Colostrum EnergyThe Mammal Lipsome Delivery System (MLDS) has another unique effect of helping to protect the Colostrum from attack by food acid in the stomach.
Colostrum is the first food all mammals give their offspring, therefore colostrum is not designed to come in contact with strong gastric juices.

Alpha Lipid Colostrums are protected, unlike other colostrums.

Even though Alpha Lipid Lifeline Colostrums are protected we still advise taking colostrum when your stomach is empty, as this may further increase its effect.

You should also consider restricting all eating for at least 1 hour after having your shake or capsules.

Colostrum EnergyAlpha Lipid Colostrum is not just any colostrum – it is a specially formulated proprietary blend including colostrum, a Mammal Lipsome
Delivery System (MLDS), Probiotics (good bacteria for normalising gut fauna), and a full complement of vitamins and minerals based on the Krebs Cycle for maximum energy release and improved efficacy.

When the researchers at our manufacturer's realized what they had discovered, they immediately patented their findings.

In their opinion this is what makes the Alpha Lipid Colostrum and its associated products unique in the market place.
Research data supplied by Peter Lehrke
Bachelor of Science (Hontheirs) – BSc (Hons) - Biochemistry
Diploma in Nutritional Science (Dip.Nut.Sci.)

Thursday 19 May 2011

Colostrum and Diabetes symptom improvements

Colostrum: Immune Systems

Colostrum is Nature’s own miracle. Colostrum is one of the first natural supplements on the market that is backed by 20 years of solid and extensive research conducted by the traditional medical establishment. Studies have shown that colostrum can powerfully boost the immune system, accelerate healing of all types of injuries, burn fat and build lean muscle mass, increase vitality and stamina and create an anti-aging effect.

Colostrum has had a variety of applications since the 1950s, including use as a dietary supplement for children who may need additional support for their immune systems. With the patented technology, colostrum as a dietary supplement may afford broad spectrum protection and could reinforce natural resistance. Executives at Pharmanex see extensive nutritional applications for people of all ages with this colostrum technology.

ASCEND Sport Colostrum provides you with high levels of immunoglobulins, growth factors and other protective factors that stimulate your immune system and provide defence against infection. Additional benefits include anti-inflammatory effects aiding your recovery and reducing muscle soreness. The total protein content makes it a valuable source of high-quality natural protein.

Colostrum ... contains PRP or Polyproline-Rich-Peptides. Medical studies show PRP in colostrum improves an under active or suppressed immune response. PRP's support and regulate the thymus gland as the body's master gland for the immune response. PRP in colostrum also helps balance or calm an overactive immune system. Colostrum, particularly when combined with beta 1/3,1/6 glucan, is especially beneficial for those persons with chronically depleted immune responses, or for those who have had long lasting chronic or recurring infections.


Colostrum contains immunoglobulins IgG, IgM, IgD, IgE, IgA and Secretory IgA. It ... contains cytokines such as Interleukin 1 & 6, tumor necrosis factor, Gamma Interferon, leukocytes, lymphokines, lactalbumins, albumin, prealbumin, antibodies, lactoferrin and many others. Its like consuming a fully functioning immune system. It also contains transfer factors which can confer immunity from the cow to human beings, and mysterious informational peptides (Cytolog.)

Colostrum provides nutritional support for the immune system in two ways. First, it contains multiple immune factors and natural antibiotics which nutritionally support the immune system. Second, it contains growth factors which provide the nutritional factors that encourage optimum health and healing.

Colostrum offers the broadest possible spectrum of biologically active substances that promotes the development of a sound body. It assures effective and efficient metabolism and supports the activation and maintenance of a fully functional immune system capable of combating potential insults from microorganisms and other deleterious sources. They include substances like:

Colostrum supports the human organism in two main ways. First, its multiple immune factors and natural antibiotics provide strong support for the immune system. Second, its many growth factors offer a broad-spectrum boost to encourage optimum health and healing.

Colostrum contains over three dozen different immune factors, including the five essential immunoglobulins: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM. These immunoglobulins have the ability to rebuild the immune system, and even to fight invading microbes.

Take a good breakfast drink! Take ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE!

Digestion and Nutrition
Alpha Lipid Lifeline when taken daily at the recommended level is a cost-effective way of providing nature’s perfect complements of vitamins, minerals, acidophilus (Pro-biotics), antibodies, growth factors and all the goodness of colostrum.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline is low in lactose and fat. Lactose intolerance is virtually eliminated by a patented enzyme process.

Easily Absorbable Calcium
There are 1000mg of calcium in each serving of Alpha Lipid Lifeline. Concentrated calcium from cow’s milk is the most accessible and easily assimilated form of this mineral. 1000mg of calcium daily is close to the RDA and will ensure healthy bone structure and provide protection against the development of osteoporosis if taken on a daily basis over one’s lifetime.

Natural Intestinal Flora
With 1 billion cfu of Acidophillus (Probiotics),  Alpha Lipid Lifeline will restore the natural balance of flora in your intestine ensuring proper breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients which will ultimately lead to better health and better skin too.

Antibiotics, some cortisone-like drugs, birth control pills, alcohol, some food additives, caffeine, chlorinated or fluoridated drinking water and stress can destroy the delicate balance of your intestinal flora. Reinforcement of naturally occurring lactobacillus acidophilus in Alpha Lipid Lifeline are much needed. The lactoferrin in the colostrum further enhance the population of these probiotics in your gut will overwhelm the bad bacteria.

Growth Factor Hormones
Colostrum is the only natural supplemental source of the actual growth factors (hormones) IgF-1, TgFA & B, FgF, EgF, and PDgF, that research has shown all these factors (hormones) control normal muscle, nerve and cartilage cell growth, regeneration and repair. Naturally produced by our body in our youth, they diminish as we aged. Without them, our energy drops, skin wrinkles, the body ages and we grow old.

Growth Factors in colostrum-based products can:

  • Help slow down aging and provide more energy
  • Shown to be effective in building new lean muscles
  • Shown to be effective in increased burning of fat
  • Help prevent the wasting of good muscle tissue
  • Shown to stimulate growth and regeneration of skin
  • Regeneration of cartilage and nerve tissue.

Scientific studies show that colostrum from cows contains more immune and growth factors than human colostrum, and is completely assimilable by humans.

Cholesterol Reduction
A number of double blind studies in the USA involving patients with high serum lipids (cholesterol) showed reductions in arteriosclerosis and arterial plaque by up to 15%.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties
There is substantial evidence to show that people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases have had considerable relief from using colostrum-based products such a Alpha Lipid Lifeline.

Board Spectrum Effectiveness
The following is a list of diseases and conditions that have been shown to respond to nutritional intake of colostrum-based products such as Alpha Lipid Lifeline.

Allergy,  Asthma,  Arthritis,  Athletic Enhancement,  Bursitis,  Candidasis,  Diabetes,  Diarrhea,  Food Poisoning,  Gout,  Hay-fever,  Heart Conditions,  High Blood Pressure,  Inflammation,  Irritable Bowl Lupus,  Muscle Disease,  Osteoporosis,  Stomach Disorders,  Sinus,  Ulcers,  and Weight Loss

Is Colostrum Completely Safe?
According to the International Institute of Nutritional Research: INTENDED BY NATURE AS AN INFANT’S VERY FIRST FOOD: It is hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than Colostrum?

Based on medical research reports and scientific studies on colostrum, presented by doctors and scientists from major research centers, hospitals and universities around the world, the presence of such wide spectrum of immunoglobulins, antibodies and accessory immune factors offer tremendous possibilities in the prevention and recovery of illness.

Studies supporting normal cell growth, tissue repair and trauma healing provide unique new possibilities for rejuvenation and give those of us that are growing older real hope that there may be a fountain of youth after all.

And if you just google the key words “colostrum”, “calcium”, “acidophilus” or “B-complex” with the word “inflammation”. You’ll definitely agree with me that Alpha Lipid Lifeline looks set to target inflammation.  Ask the doctor whether is it true that inflammation is a bio-marker for predicting many diseases.  After you read the results of your google search, you wouldn’t need anyone to convince you to drink Alpha Lipid Lifeline as a breakfast drink.


Get Your Alpha-Lipid Lifeline Today!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Alpha lipid collustrum and high blood pressure?

Question :
I've been told that alpha lipid collustrum does wonder for high blood pressure. To the extent that taking it replaces need to take normal high blood pressure medication. Does it work ? Much appreciated if anyone could share their experience on this ? Thank you.

Answer :
I like coming to Y!A because its often the first place I hear about the newest bit of woo-woo. I don't know about how new this is, but it's the first I'd ever heard of it. So...lets work through how one evaluates claims.

First, what DO we know about colostrum? It is produced in mammalian milk in the first few hours and days after birth, and contains a variety of ingredients including easily digested proteins and immunoglobulins from the mother. This helps give the newborn some early protection against any diseases the mother has previously been exposed to, as baby's immune systems are quite immature. It will help with neonatal jaundice, and it is a bit of a laxative to help the baby pass any meconium that is still in their GI tract. There's a few more details, but that is the essence.

Given what we know about colostrum, what is in it and what it does, there is no reason to even speculate that it might have an effect on blood pressure in adults. But, lets do a quick literature review by going to MedLine, PubMed and the Cochrane database. There is very little evidence I could find that colostrum has any use after the first few days of life, and in particular, nothing confirmed about treatment of high blood pressure. Here is one article which suggests that polypeptides in colostrum might relax arterial walls.
However, none of this is confirmed and there are no studies comparing treatment of hypertension with colustrum vs standard therapy. So, there is no reason to promote it INSTEAD of standard therapy.

A review of several of the websites that appear when one types in "alpha lipid colostrum" shows the typical grandiose, extravagant claims and the usual small print about 'we imply no diagnosis or treatment and these claims have not been evaluated etc etc'. They contain a lot of testimonials, and there are links to other products and services I already know to be quackery. So...lets just say my skepticism is supported by taking the promoters at their own weasel words.

I think this is the typical Altie problem of knowing a little..usually very little... about something (colostrum good pills bad) and extrapolation far beyond what common sense or evidence would dictate, then repeating it often enough that it becomes "common knowledge".

If it worked for blood pressure, there would be some evidence somewhere for this, and there simply isn't beyond some speculative early research that hasn't been confirmed or tested clinically. Furthermore, the source of the colostrum is not obvious, and is presumably animal, not human. We know that human colostrum is good for humans, we don't know about cow colostrum.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

An Amazing Testimonials from Veterans

He got new life !!

Testimonials after using Alpha Lipid Lifeline

Flora Christison Dannevirke, New Zealand

Lifeline gave me back my life

In November, 1996 my system was in a bad way. I suffered from continual diarrhoea, going about 18 times a day. This had gradually built up over a period of about eight months until I had become virtually house bound. I had given up on bowls and had stopped going to my floral art that I really enjoyed. I even had difficulty shopping as there was always the possibility I would disgrace myself! For many years I had only been going once every 3 or 4 days, I thought that was quite normal. I got really desperate with my situation and heard of someone who had been helped with a product called Lifeline. I rang my local New Image consultant, Helen Hermansen, and asked her if it would be any help for me. She came and explained the benefits of LifeLine to me and put me on a course. She kept in touch often, determined she would help me get my system functioning normally again. After two courses of LifeLine I went on to a mixture of UD 3 and LifeLine with FibreMax increased gradually over 2 months. There were a few hiccups but now I'm 100%. Being on a widow's pension I really had to weigh up the cost, there were sacrifices I had to make in other areas but the results made it all worthwhile. To my delight I am now functioning better than what was normal for me, going regularly every day. I have been able to return to bowls and on my first visit back to floral art I won the posy bowl, even though I hadn't been for 12 months. New Image products have given me back my life.

Nancy Gernhoefer Auckland, New Zealand

Colostrum First Takes Away The Pain 

On March 31st, my husband and I went to the launch of Colostrum First in Auckland.We started taking Colostrum First capsules in addition to the Circulytes I had already been using. On May 11th, I had my right shoulder reconstructed for the second time in 18 months. I stopped taking Colostrum First and Circulytes on the day of my operation. While I was in hospital I had absolutely no pain - unlike others in my ward who had received the same or similar operation the same day as me. The night nurses would make their rounds administering pain relief. I did not have any pain, therefore I told the staff I didn’t need any relief. The difference between the first and second operation was indescribable. Following my first operation I had to sleep sitting up in a chair for three months, as the pain was unbearable to lie down. I suffered a great deal of discomfort, which seemed to never end. Following the suggested Colostrum First daily intake for six weeks prior to the operation, I believe, is the only reason for my lack of pain directly after the operation and also how it aided in my recovery.

Lorraine Johnson, Napier, New Zealand

Lifeline Proves to be Just That

In June of last year my mother underwent hip replacement surgery and during the operation the bacteria Staph Aureus was introduced into her hip joint and prosthesis. She was seriously ill for many weeks, in a lot of pain, unable to eat, wanted to die - in general, really miserable. Since her surgery she has had several admissions back into hospital due to the flaring up of the hip joint, necessitating I.V. therapy and open drainage of the joint abscesses in theatre. She must remain on high doses of antibiotics for the rest of her life. Mother is 86 years old and her specialist has said any further surgery could mean she would not walk again. In January 1998 I was introduced to New Image products. I was very impressed with what I learnt and on hearing about Lifeline decided to try it. After two weeks I noticed a difference in my mother’s general health. Her appetite had improved, she was not so depressed and her pain levels had reduced considerably (mum does have some chronic pain due to the infection, but it is tolerable with analgesia), but what was so significant, she had no severe side effects to the high doses of antibiotics. I am quite sure this was because she was taking Lifeline along with King C, Aloe Vea and Flaxseed oil. Her immune system was being protected. Her specialist was most impressed with how well she looked and that there were no side effects from the antibiotics. He asked what I had been doing for her. I told him about Lifeline and he was very impressed. His farewell words were “keep her on it!” My brothers are now taking Lifeline for digestive ulcer problems, an aunt for her problems and a friends for her alimentary problems, all due to the way my mother has improved. Already my brothers are feeling the benefits and they were sceptical!

Wayne Hermansen, Norsewood, New Zealand

Lifeline restored my system

For some months I had been having trouble with my stomach - it seemed to be 'fermenting' day and night - just like ginger beer popping and fizzing. I heard of a friend with a similar problem who went to his doctor and was given one little white tablet, and was cured. I decided I could handle one little white tablet. When I went to the doctor he put me in hospital for tests instead - four days without food - and tests and examinations in all parts of the body - not recommended! They found nothing! So they sent me home with no instructions as to what to eat, what not to, etc. Within three days I was as bad again. I decided I'd give Lifeline a try as my wife suggested. Within three or four days of taking Lifeline my whole system had been restored to normal. I continued on with the whole course and have never looked back. I now take K-28 with Lifeline and FibreMax every morning - plus Protector, CoQ10 and King C, and will continue with this programme as I feel better now than I have for years!

Chu Chai Mai Chu - Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Lifeline Changes Lifetime Sentence

My son George Chu introduced me to New Image Products in 1996. I began taking K-28, Co Q10, RDA and Lifeline, my health has improved tremendously, especially my long term constipation problem which has disappeared.My friends all noticed that I am much healthier and have said that I don't look like an 82 year old lady. The most important thing is that I don't feel that I am over 80 years old! I have been on high blood pressure and diabetic medication for many years. Recently, my Doctor told me the good news. I no longer have to take my medication. I think the supplements I am taking along with regular exercise have returned my conditions to normal and that's why I feel great. People say if old folks can eat, can sleep and have no indigestion problems they can have a long life. I believe Lifeline has helped me in my health and I wouldn't be surprised if those elderly people taking Lifeline had a better quality of life and lived longer too!

Valarie Ross, New Zealand

New Image Products help 82 year old on the road to recovery! 

As a teenager going through puberty I had the constant problem of the need to use the toilet very urgently. It didn't matter where I was or where I could go, I would just have to go! When I came to New Zealand 25 years ago, the problem came too. On meeting Helen Hermansen and the New Image products many things have changed my life. Helen's knowledge of New Image products enabled her to advise me as to which products would best help and make my problem far more stable. New Image Aloe Vera Drinking Gel and New Image Lifeline mixed together in the blender once a day has certainly helped me! It's not perfect but with these products and Helen's guidance my life is so much more manageable and now I'm more able to be socially active. These New Image products have helped me more than I ever thought possible and from this I can recommend them with full confidence.

Info : http://www.newimageasia.com.my/pro_alphalipidT.php

Monday 16 May 2011

Melatonin: The answer for a good night’s sleep?

If you have sleeping problems, you’ve probably heard of melatonin.  It’s the hormone your body makes every night to kick start sleep.  It’s also marketed as a supplement, to top up your natural melatonin – the idea being, this will give you a better night’s sleep.  But taking a hormone is not without risks.  Before you consider a melatonin supplement, read on.

Melatonin is activated when it’s dark.  Remember, part of your sleep plan was to pull the curtains to make your bedroom really dark.  For more information see "For Best Results with Sleep Time"That’s because the darkness signals your body to release melatonin, sometimes called the ‘hormone of darkness’.

Melatonin is released from your pineal gland, a pea sized gland located just above the middle of the brain.  When melatonin is released, you start to feel calm and drowsy and your body temperature drops.  You feel like sleeping.

Melatonin release should happen naturally and easily but can be compromised by too much light (including city lights or even the bright light from your TV) and other factors such as a haphazard sleep schedule (think jetlag) or ageing (melatonin production declines with age).  When melatonin release is compromised, it is harder to fall asleep.  That’s why melatonin is widely marketed for sleeping problems.

The theory is, by taking extra melatonin – on top of what your body is already making – you will fall asleep faster and more easily.  Some studies have shown this to be true but results from others are inconclusive.  There is also concern the risks outweigh the benefits.

Potential side effects of taking melatonin include vivid dreams, nightmares or even sleep walking, hallucinations, day time drowsiness, headaches, mood problems, depression, heart problems and hormonal imbalance. Some people have reported dreams, hallucinations and feeling ‘spaced out’ on even a small dose of melatonin.    

Melatonin must be used cautiously by people with existing health conditions such as heart disease or depression.  If you have an existing health condition, it is best to consult a medical professional before taking melatonin as the hormone may affect your health or interact with medications. Currently, there is a lack of evidence to ensure melatonin’s safety and effectiveness long term.  

Some countries, including New Zealand, only allow melatonin use by prescription and only for a short time - usually about two months.  In countries where melatonin is available without prescription, there is concern over its quality.  Melatonin manufacturing processes are not always regulated which can mean a product doesn’t deliver what it claims.  America’s National Sleep Foundation says larger and longer term studies are needed before melatonin’s risks and benefits can be fully understood.

If you choose to take melatonin, you are essentially taking something your body can make for itself.  A healthier option might be to help your body release optimum levels of melatonin, by keeping your bedroom dark, removing bright electronic gadgets, avoiding nightlights or even wearing a sleep mask to block out all light.

There is some suggestion that a warm milky drink at night can increase your body’s natural melatonin production by providing an amino acid called tryptophan.  Tryptophan is naturally found in milk and it is used by the body to produce melatonin.

Creating a nightly sleep routine - putting work away for the day, enjoying a relaxing activity and a warm milky drink can do wonders for sleep.  Try tackling your sleeping problem without melatonin supplements first.  With persistence, you may be able to gently nudge your body into doing a good job of melatonin production itself, without the unwanted side effects.

These are not drugs and the recommendation of products and lifestyle changes are not intended to offer therapeutic cures. Individual results from the use of nutritional products may vary. It is advisable to discuss with a health care practitioner the use of these as nutritional support as these suggestions do not take the place of a comprehensive face to face consultation.


Colostrum for Sportspeople

Sunday 15 May 2011

The power of Colostrum

Do you want a better quality sleep ?

Do you want a better quality sleep?
Irregular work hours, stress, poor diet, stimulants such as coffee or energy drinks, jet-lag, disturbing light or noise, changes in routine and underlying medical conditions can all negatively impact the quality of your sleep.
It’s not surprising that millions of people around the world are turning to natural alternatives to improve their sleep as well as their overall health and wellbeing - there is no reason why you can’t improve your sleep too!
The quality of your sleep is vital for your health, performance and mood the next day. A healthy, natural sleep enhancing product is a great way for everyone, including people who may not necessarily think they have a problem with poor sleep, to improve their health and wellness.
Sleep TimeTM, a world-first - made available exclusively to New Image distributors combining nature’s calming and sleep enhancing milk with a premium blend of ingredients to support natural relaxation and healthy sleep.

These are not drugs and the recommendation of products and lifestyle changes are not intended to offer therapeutic cures. Individual results from the use of nutritional products may vary. It is advisable to discuss with a health care practitioner the use of these as nutritional support as these suggestions do not take the place of a comprehensive face to face consultation..