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Thursday 19 May 2011

Take a good breakfast drink! Take ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE!

Digestion and Nutrition
Alpha Lipid Lifeline when taken daily at the recommended level is a cost-effective way of providing nature’s perfect complements of vitamins, minerals, acidophilus (Pro-biotics), antibodies, growth factors and all the goodness of colostrum.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline is low in lactose and fat. Lactose intolerance is virtually eliminated by a patented enzyme process.

Easily Absorbable Calcium
There are 1000mg of calcium in each serving of Alpha Lipid Lifeline. Concentrated calcium from cow’s milk is the most accessible and easily assimilated form of this mineral. 1000mg of calcium daily is close to the RDA and will ensure healthy bone structure and provide protection against the development of osteoporosis if taken on a daily basis over one’s lifetime.

Natural Intestinal Flora
With 1 billion cfu of Acidophillus (Probiotics),  Alpha Lipid Lifeline will restore the natural balance of flora in your intestine ensuring proper breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients which will ultimately lead to better health and better skin too.

Antibiotics, some cortisone-like drugs, birth control pills, alcohol, some food additives, caffeine, chlorinated or fluoridated drinking water and stress can destroy the delicate balance of your intestinal flora. Reinforcement of naturally occurring lactobacillus acidophilus in Alpha Lipid Lifeline are much needed. The lactoferrin in the colostrum further enhance the population of these probiotics in your gut will overwhelm the bad bacteria.

Growth Factor Hormones
Colostrum is the only natural supplemental source of the actual growth factors (hormones) IgF-1, TgFA & B, FgF, EgF, and PDgF, that research has shown all these factors (hormones) control normal muscle, nerve and cartilage cell growth, regeneration and repair. Naturally produced by our body in our youth, they diminish as we aged. Without them, our energy drops, skin wrinkles, the body ages and we grow old.

Growth Factors in colostrum-based products can:

  • Help slow down aging and provide more energy
  • Shown to be effective in building new lean muscles
  • Shown to be effective in increased burning of fat
  • Help prevent the wasting of good muscle tissue
  • Shown to stimulate growth and regeneration of skin
  • Regeneration of cartilage and nerve tissue.

Scientific studies show that colostrum from cows contains more immune and growth factors than human colostrum, and is completely assimilable by humans.

Cholesterol Reduction
A number of double blind studies in the USA involving patients with high serum lipids (cholesterol) showed reductions in arteriosclerosis and arterial plaque by up to 15%.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties
There is substantial evidence to show that people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases have had considerable relief from using colostrum-based products such a Alpha Lipid Lifeline.

Board Spectrum Effectiveness
The following is a list of diseases and conditions that have been shown to respond to nutritional intake of colostrum-based products such as Alpha Lipid Lifeline.

Allergy,  Asthma,  Arthritis,  Athletic Enhancement,  Bursitis,  Candidasis,  Diabetes,  Diarrhea,  Food Poisoning,  Gout,  Hay-fever,  Heart Conditions,  High Blood Pressure,  Inflammation,  Irritable Bowl Lupus,  Muscle Disease,  Osteoporosis,  Stomach Disorders,  Sinus,  Ulcers,  and Weight Loss

Is Colostrum Completely Safe?
According to the International Institute of Nutritional Research: INTENDED BY NATURE AS AN INFANT’S VERY FIRST FOOD: It is hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than Colostrum?

Based on medical research reports and scientific studies on colostrum, presented by doctors and scientists from major research centers, hospitals and universities around the world, the presence of such wide spectrum of immunoglobulins, antibodies and accessory immune factors offer tremendous possibilities in the prevention and recovery of illness.

Studies supporting normal cell growth, tissue repair and trauma healing provide unique new possibilities for rejuvenation and give those of us that are growing older real hope that there may be a fountain of youth after all.

And if you just google the key words “colostrum”, “calcium”, “acidophilus” or “B-complex” with the word “inflammation”. You’ll definitely agree with me that Alpha Lipid Lifeline looks set to target inflammation.  Ask the doctor whether is it true that inflammation is a bio-marker for predicting many diseases.  After you read the results of your google search, you wouldn’t need anyone to convince you to drink Alpha Lipid Lifeline as a breakfast drink.


Get Your Alpha-Lipid Lifeline Today!

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